His mayoral term was only 3 months and 6 days having to resign after a serious heart attack in early February.
During his mayoral term, he introduced a bill that established free public schools in Nashville.
In 1845 he sought and won a second mayoral term.
However, the building was razed less than a month into his mayoral term.
During Chang's mayoral term, he was involved with several scandals.
He was sworn into his first mayoral term of office on January 1, 2010.
During his mayoral term, he wanted to include the prohibition of weapons in the city.
He's been a member ever since and has served various mayoral terms, the latest being in 2008.
By 1933, after Murphy's second mayoral term, the reward of a big government job was waiting.
He was re-elected to a second mayoral term in 1905.