Since the mayoral vote, politicians of all stripes have been talking about new partners and allies, but none seem especially comfortable with prospective suitors.
Giarrante won the April 2011 election by receiving 26% of the mayoral votes in a field of nine candidates.
Earlier this year, in mayoral votes in two Saxon cities - Leipzig and Gorlitz - the Christian Democrats were trounced.
Kaptain won the April 2011 election by receiving 54.35% of the mayoral votes, defeating incumbent Ed Schock.
The mayoral vote, neighborhood by neighborhood.
In the mayoral vote, Arena lost 55 of the 210 municipalities it formerly controlled.
Carvalho won the nonpartisan mayoral primary with 7,143 votes, or 39.8% of the vote.
The mayoral vote was held, for the first time, under a system of direct election.
Austin remains playful and offbeat, and Leslie Cochran, who won 8 percent of the mayoral vote in 2000 after campaigning in drag, is running for mayor again.
Peter McIsaac won 67 per cent of the mayoral vote in Powassan, defeating incumbent mayor Bob Young.