Marvin's Maze is a maze game where the player fight against Robonoids while trying to clear the maze of dots.
Chase the Chuck Wagon is a maze game.
It was among the first maze games to offer full 360 degree 3D perspective and movement, and its graphics were considered "state-of-the-art" at the time.
I just asked if they wanted to play the maze game with me, and they couldn't wait.
Another game that has been cited as one of the first horror-themed games is Quicksilva's 1983 maze game Ant Attack.
While using the same character as Felix in the Factory, the gameplay bears no relation to that platformer, instead taking the form of a maze game.
Turtles is a maze game where the player is a turtle trying to bring baby turtles (called "kidturtles") to their homes while avoiding beetles.
Trag and Olav had begun a friendly competition over a tri-dimensional maze game which could last up to a day between well-matched players.
Atari releases Gotcha, the first commercial maze game, to video arcades.
However, its gameplay differs greatly from the maze games that comprise the majority of the games in the series.