Only the man in white held back, his eyes scanning the meadow area.
Ahead of them, the pike began to descend slightly into a lower meadow area between two stone walls.
If the meadow area is not mowed at least once a year, it will easily revert to woodland.
The meadow areas are cut at the end of the summer to control the more dominant species.
Beery was also an aviator and known to land his plane on the meadow area adjacent to the lake.
Deforestation also creates open meadow areas which are its preferred habitat.
There is a diversity of plants, especially in the meadow area.
This finding resulted in the exclusion of bicycles and horses from the meadow areas.
Creating clear access for sheep crossing the road while travelling to and from the meadow area.
Often there are invasions of trees into meadow areas and this reached a peak in the 1930s due to considerable warming.