In this latest event, the coalition's third, the authorities employed a range of efforts, including quiet but effective subterfuge, to undermine even meager attempts at mobilization.
What We'd Change In response to residents' complaints, the town made a meager attempt to rein in house sizes by lowering the maximum height from 40 feet to 32 feet.
I had never seen such a false limb, such a surrender to artifice rather than a meager attempt to imitate nature.
There's nothing quite like waking up on a cold, dreary morning and having JB's latest Anchordesk, an often times meager attempt at being a "source of tech intelligence," waiting in your Inbox.
It was a meager attempt, though, for Tintagel knew as well as Shayleigh that victory or defeat could not be measured by counting dead bodies.
Both, our meager attempts at access.
In a meager attempt to address the issue, Yeltsin ordered more funding and coordination among judicial bodies against organized crime.
Simply looking at the meager attempts by the Telinaruul to defile the legacy, to seize control of its capability, seemed a grievous insult against the heritage of the Shedai.
She knew her meager attempt would be as futile as building a wall of sand in front of a raging flood.
Hadn't they already demonstrated the overwhelming superiority of the Ryol when compared against the aliens' meager attempts to defend themselves?