Until now, the second choice seemed foolish: not only would you get meager returns, but inflation could knock you for a loop at any moment.
Despite the dismal outcome, he asserted that the investments were viewed at the time as smart alternatives to the meager returns being offered by banks.
Foreign buyers, particularly those from Germany, who seem to have replaced the Japanese investors of the 1980's, are willing to accept more meager returns.
Their meager return of 5 points ensured they finished 8th and last in their group.
Insurers balk at liability risks and investors flee the industry's meager returns.
He called the revenue that the camp operators would pass on to the county, about $50,000, a meager return.
To supplement the meager returns from the sale of his paintings, Zandomeneghi found work drawing illustrations for fashion magazines.
"At the current price, TIPS offer a meager real return."
Substantial public funds to support the commodities exchanges would generate meager returns.
How can California justify such a high toll for such a meager return?