Whatever was coming to him, he would have to meet it from his own meagre resources.
With the last of your meagre resources, you've booked passage to London, where at least intellect will come if the call be given.
Given such meagre resources, it's hard not to admire the global attention he has attracted.
Local authorities across the country have therefore been unable, and unwilling, to part with their own meagre resources.
But if you have to manage on meagre resources, you will cope well.
His meagre resources were just about used up.
I do not see how we can finance these crucial reforms on increasingly meagre resources.
There are many other sectors too, such as school partnerships and further training, none of which will be covered at all by these meagre resources.
I would not trust any information that I get from an area with such meagre resources about what is happening in their waters.
Despite the meagre resources at its disposal it does an exceptionally excellent job.