It means clothes that people want to wear at a price they can afford.
This word came from a German word raub which means clothes.
He means the poor peasants and workers who cannot get enough to eat or clothes to wear.
The sexist associations that once went with the word meant fluffy clothes for airheads.
"Modern" to him means clothes that can be packed easily, that feel comfortable and do not inhibit movement.
By this, one means clothes you are unlikely to see at Daffy's, although not necessarily sweaters with three sleeves.
There is no closet; exposed shelves and hanging racks mean clothes that aren't black or white will ruin the color scheme.
And that means clothes that basically reflect traditional tastes.
That means washed and pressed clothes at all times.
It means expensive clothes, making money any way possible, using violence to solve disputes, and living as if there is no future.