The word "Pistoles" does not exist in Spanish, although "Pistolas" would mean guns, specifically handguns or pistols.
And that means guns in people's homes are not properly stored - separate from their ammunition, with locked triggers, in locked cabinets unusable by children.
Bronze could be cast, and that meant lighter, stronger guns that wouldn't rust.
"I didn't mean guns," Mercy explained.
I mean . . . guards and guns.
A larger diameter bullet also means more space is required to store the ammunition, which means either bulkier guns or smaller magazine capacities.
That meant guns, and now the fading chill was back full-force.
Britain had been unable to protect Czechoslovakia or Poland in 1938-39, and every month before a possible invasion meant more aircraft, guns and ships.
That means longer guns, eventually, so we'll have to find a way to solve the topweight problem.
"Well, I don't know who you heard it from, but I imagine you mean 'guns' rather than gun."