Whether you are interested in depression, eating disorders or food poisoning, learn what medical terms mean, see images and get related information on various aspects of health and wellness.
Most offer comparisons with previous versions which often highlight the fact that more megapixels doesn't always mean better images.
Greater color depth means more realistic images, and most new scanners offer color depths of 24-bit or higher (currently up to 48-bit).
Whether you are interested in genetics, heart disease, or insomnia , learn what medical terms mean, see images and get related information on various aspects of health and wellness.
But that doesn't mean good images of your cat, dog, bird or other pet are impossible.
What images do you mean?
Mythopœikon (Dragon's World, 1977), a collection of Woodroffe's work from 1965 to 1976 (the title is his own coinage, meaning myth-making images)
The increase in pixels alone means more detail and potentially sharper images, especially when printed.
The dominant pictorial mode of the day was documentary, which in photography meant images presented as evidence of social facts.
Learn what medical terms mean, see images and get related information on various aspects of health and wellness.