That was the second highest number ever given in response to that question, after a mean increase of 31.4 percent in the 1996 survey.
Eculizumab was associated with mean increases in platelet count and eGFR from baseline to 26 weeks.
However, these mean increases are less than the overall variability in salinity.
Recent announcements have warned that the mean increase in global temperature in the first half of the next century could be the greatest ever experienced in human history.
Over three years, the mean increase in bone density was 15.4% This compares quite favorably with the 4% to 5% decrease that would be expected if the women had not used progesterone.
After one year of treatment, patients receiving weekly infusions of Elaprase experienced a mean increase in the distance walked in six minutes of 35 meters compared to patients receiving placebo.
In Western Europe, for example, for every 10 percent mean annual increase in indoor humidity, the prevalence of asthma symptoms reported went up by 2.7 percent, the study said.
Kennedy's calculation depends on , the mean annual increase in world power production.
Second, the mean increase in the volume of lung tissue was 10-fold greater than the expected increase in pulmonary blood volume resulting from injection of 80 ml contrast material.
Following 24 weeks, patients treated with bardoxolone methyl experienced a mean increase in estimated GFR of over 10 ml/min/1.73m2, compared with no change in the placebo group.