Proteins in Release 3 have a mean length of 552 amino acids and a median of 421 amino acids.
The mean standard length of E. simoterum is 45 mm, the reported average clutch size is 152, and the maximum age is less than two years.
The canine teeth of male chacma baboons have a mean length of 3.86 0.30 cm at the time they emigrate from their natal troop.
Families of non-autonomous elements Members of family Osr25 are all internally deleted and thus non-autonomous (mean length 4.3 kb).
Females mature at three to fours years of age and a mean standard length of 4.7 inches.
Glioblastomas are among the most aggressively malignant human neoplasms, with a mean total length of disease in patients with primary glioblastoma of less than 1 year.
The small intestine has a mean length of 5.36 metres, and lacks a cecum.
One sample of adult males had a mean length of 8.68 centimeters snout-to-vent, while another found a mean length between 11 and 12 centimeters.
The mean average length for adults is 3" to 6" and the sexually dimorphic males have horizontal rows of bright orange spots on light blue background and a bright orange tail margin followed by a nearly black band during breeding season.
Patients admitted to the ICU from a hospital ward had a mean length of stay before ICU admission of 1.4 days ( 3.5, range 0-29 days).