Roughly translated into English, it means "path" or "trail."
Thus, over one transport mean free path, the fractional change in current density is much less than unity.
The linear attenuation coefficient is also inversely related to mean free path.
The name of the band, in Myene, means "path of dance".
The electron mean free path can become long compared to the gap between the electrodes.
The name probably means "good steps" or "good path".
This place name comes from the Tupi language, and mean "narrow path".
This has suggested a new criterion for glass formation based on the value of the phonon mean free path.
According to some historians, the term Guasayán could mean "path behind the sierra", or "view from the heights".
It means knowledge, true path, and guidance.
The scattering is presented by the relations time or the mean free path.
In a gas the mean free path may be much larger than the average distance between molecules.
Sometimes one measures the thickness of a material in the number of mean free paths.
In copper, for example, the mean free path is 40 nm.
The mean free path of a molecule in a gas is the average distance between its collision with other molecules.
In air the mean free path of molecules is about 96 nm.
When electrons are accelerated in the channel, they gain energy along the mean free path.
This mean free path increases rapidly as copper is chilled.
At atmospheric pressure, the mean free path of air is about 70 nm.
Electrons in air have a mean free path of 1cm.