That means raising an additional $2.5 million a year.
"Neither side is saying let's restore the revenue base because that means raising taxes."
It would also mean raising the tax rate on investment income, which is highly concentrated among the wealthy, to 20% from 15%.
And do you long for a political hero who will dare to close the budget gap, even if it means raising taxes?
Liberals want him to protect the social programs he promoted as his own during the election, even if it means raising taxes.
"And that means raising prices so that they'll go around to the people with the most money."
Our service should increase its personnel, even if it means raising dues.
This led to the use of the term square to mean raising to the second power.
The state needs to cover its pension costs even when it does not have a surplus, he said, which could mean raising taxes.
She wondered whether it would mean raising the gasoline tax for everyone in the state.