Its name derives in fact from the Lombard gahagi, meaning "wood".
That means green wood, and it's a mess to cut.
When I did this, he called the fire department, and they thought he meant wood, so they brought axes.
Strictly speaking, biomass is energy derived from any organic matter, but in the domestic context, it tends to mean wood.
Bradley comes from Old English and means the broad clearing or wood.
Sticks are also commonly called kayu which literally means wood, though it could be made of any material.
The name Tyllgoed, meaning "dark wood" goes back to the 15th century.
The name Walderslade comes from the Saxon language, and means "wood in a valley".
The name literally means 'old wood' in the Welsh language.
That Roundhouse was built mainly from immediately available materials, which meant primarily wood, all of which they cut themselves.