In fact, negotiating a ski trail is an ideal metaphor for a great monologist's art: a meandering journey with a few bumps, thrills and surprise turns.
In a hotel room in Venice, a middle-aged Australian with a terminal illness writes to a friend about his meandering journey through Europe and his search for meaning.
The river does not actually run through the village itself, passing about half a mile to the south on its meandering journey to the larger River Swale.
A good traditional ending offers symmetry and the consoling thought that the meandering journey has, after all, had a destination.
Argentina's famous narrow-gauge steam train, averages less than 30km/h on its meandering weekly journey between Esquel and El Maitén - if it runs at speed.
At this point in its meandering journey from headwaters 100 miles north in the Adirondack Mountains, the Hudson River is about 100 yards wide.
The mission teetering on disaster, Joao Lopez Carvalho took command of the fleet and led it on a meandering journey through the Philippine archipelago.
Venables would later describe how Bulger seemed to "like" him, holding his hand and allowing him to pick him up on the meandering journey to the scene of his eventual death.
The district runs along the Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Kentucky borders, following the Ohio River on its meandering journey south.
His life as a reader has been, he says a "meandering" journey, in which a reference in one book to another book would send him running to the library.