Lines were planned to several other municipalities in the area, but ultimately, the line was a 28-mile meandering route between London and Port Stanley.
Back then, Doyle's narrative cunningly guided the reader with a trail of crumbs that took a meandering route before forking off into the torture chamber.
Taking her hand, he led her on a meandering route to the gates of the fenced enclosure.
The canal was designed with a meandering route to maximize the amount of land which benefited.
Oh, it stumbles now and then along its meandering route through haunted forests and down enchanted rivers.
As in Hitchcock's film, sexual tension leads to violence, though "Buddy Boy" takes a more meandering, metaphorical route.
Luckily, it is a meandering route that allows the director to linger over the odd, low-key moments he cherishes.
The meandering route of the canal resulted in many speed-limiting curves on the railway.
He drove back to Eastvale slowly, taking the longest, most meandering route west through the gritstone country away from the large towns and cities.
For five days in early September 2001, I joined 1,799 other cyclists on a 400-mile-long meandering route.