In Hindu mythology it takes a specific meaning related to cosmology.
Besides the phrase "to tell time", it mainly survived in English with meanings related to speech ('tell', 'tale').
Authenticity in art has a variety of meanings related to different ways in which a work of art or an artistic performance may be considered authentic.
In Catalan, the word mercè has meanings related to service, help, a sense of compassion, and loving mercy.
It considers social connotations, including meanings related to ideology and power structures, in addition to denotative meanings of signs.
Two meanings related to each other:
The term summation has a special meaning related to extrapolation in the context of divergent series.
Infallibility, from Latin origin ('in', not + 'fallere', to deceive), is a term with a variety of meanings related to knowing truth with certainty.
Culture, several meanings related to objects and processes which we respect as material or spiritual values.
Slough - several different meanings related to wetland or aquatic features.