But it is on the philosophical plane that the meaning of these 10 projects resides.
Wittgenstein held that the meanings of words reside in their ordinary uses and that this is why philosophers trip over words taken in abstraction.
The meaning however resides in its meaninglessness, reflecting the chief principle behind Dadaism.
Rejecting the realistic, clarifying impulse of conventional biographical fiction, they resemble richly compressed poems whose meaning resides almost entirely between the lines.
In a conversation, meaning does not reside in the words spoken, but it filled in by the person listening.
As in Hardy's book, the large meanings reside with these characters as much as with the principals.
"Deeper meaning resides in the fairy tales told to me in my childhood than in any truth that is taught in life."
Their meanings reside in the space between what these men say and what they do.
The meaning of the work resided in the process of re-translation- reinterpretation reproduction- rather than in its perceptual equivalence to reality.
The light verb contributes little content to its sentence; the main meaning resides with the noun in bold.