The dollar recovered slightly yesterday after the president of the German central bank said the bank was "ready for meaningful international cooperation" to stabilize currency markets.
"Unless this restructuring takes place, Iraq finds it very difficult - almost impossible - to have any meaningful cooperation with Unscom."
This slowed the attacks down and prevented meaningful cooperation.
People on both sides acknowledge a need for meaningful cooperation.
That there was a chance for meaningful cooperation with the Soviet dictatorship?
According to liberalism individuals are basically good and capable of meaningful cooperation to promote positive change.
Instead of showing the inspectors its illegal weapons material and projects and cooperating in their destruction, as required, Baghdad has offered no meaningful cooperation.
But transport networks spread far beyond the Six, and any meaningful cooperation would have to include all or most of Western Europe.
I do so in the hope that we will see meaningful cooperation between Member States in the eradication of violence and terrorism.
Those differences should neither be artificially papered over nor allowed to block meaningful cooperation.