The more meaningful measure of potential risk is the percentage of calories contributed by milkfat.
They say scores are polluted by advantages such as $400-an-hour private tutoring and are therefore not meaningful measures.
He added that a more meaningful measure of clothing prices was the 4.6 percent increase over the latest 12 months.
"Our objective would be to try to provide the most meaningful measure of what the obligation is."
While a player's plus minus statistic is calculated for each game played, it tends to provide a more meaningful measure over a full season.
"I'm not sure that passion is a meaningful measure for potential matrimony," he said.
Love is not a meaningful measure for matrimony.
To some observers, juku represent an attempt by parents to exercise a meaningful measure of choice in Japanese education, particularly for children attending public schools.
To calculate a meaningful measure of the investor's return, it is necessary to weight the yearly returns by the dollars invested during that year.
The European public is now demanding practical and meaningful measures.