Before the Belmont, his biggest victory had come in the $79,000 Sir Barton Stakes, which seemed like a meaningless event on the Preakness undercard.
Carefully ordered sequences of totally meaningless events.
He hated even having to think about taking time from his work to attend such a meaningless social event.
What ate up Tagiri's first weeks was sorting through the empty conversations, the meaningless events.
I could buy cheaper tickets in rubbish seats or for meaningless events too.
The narrator and "you" see human life as an absurd collection of meaningless events, but "your" suicide gives previously meaningless actions meaning.
You can't have abstract universal trues like the inductive principle or the laws of logic when the universe is a random series of meaningless events.
In non-comic fiction, the hero shows us what matters, what has value, what has meaning among the random and meaningless events of life.
At first, he tried inviting the press to his meetings with the leaders, but they quickly turned into meaningless staged events.
The result is often funny, lyrical and very sad, a poignant imaging of what he calls "the absurd, the mundane and the meaningless events of everyday life."