Nabababu's life was a living example of breaking meaningless and superstitious rituals and conventions.
Instead they rejected meaningless ritual and accepted natural goodness as the central tenet of their faith.
You've erected a hierarchy of priests and complicated, meaningless ritual.
Your darkest enemy is the one that bows you down to the floor like a servant and wastes half your life in meaningless rituals.
They dwelt in the Temples and had sacrifices made to them and took part in meaningless rituals.
This can degenerate into a meaningless ritual if the meetings are very regular but is effective for ad hoc ones and those on an occasional basis.
When he hears journalists complaining that the long campaign trips and conventions are meaningless rituals, he says they're missing the point of it all.
Long ago the signalling had become no more than a meaningless ritual, and now the story was nearing its end.
Ideas that are inspiring to one generation may, over several generations, become meaningless ritual.
To pledge yourself formally to the East is no meaningless ritual.