Volumetric efficiency is a technical term used for comparing performance or some other measurable parameter per unit of physical volume.
A response may be any measurable biochemical or biological parameter that is correlated with exposure to the toxicant.
Gait analysis involves measurement, where measurable parameters are introduced and analyzed, and interpretation, where conclusions about the subject (health, age, size, weight, speed, etc.) are drawn.
But to take Butland's theories to their probable conclusion would produce large, impersonal, primary care centres where indeed the measurable parameters of quality will be readily demonstrable.
The data from nature may be audio information from wind or ocean waves, or it may be some measurable parameter such as temperature, geological change, etc.
Where they are resisting is the tight, measurable parameters we need to demonstrate a few years from now whether they are meeting the goals we agree on.
These measurable parameters can be converted into real and imaginary components of longitudinal modulus.
The common position also sets action values, measurable parameters which, if observed, will ensure that exposure limit values are not exceeded.
But, in practice, in order to achieve the required aims, clear, relevant and measurable parameters must be defined.
Electrophoretic velocity is proportional to electrophoretic mobility, which is the measurable parameter.