Both schools are beating the odds and showing measurable success in teaching the children of poor and disadvantaged families.
The initiative has been found to have measurable success in each targeted metric, from school absences and incidents to police arrests.
But she struggled hard, with measurable success, to improve her circumstances.
Amazon's search effort was shut down the week of October 29, without any measurable success.
In her database of designers there are far more women than men with their own labels, but fewer cases of measurable success.
The quick, measurable success of these activities helps build confidence.
Yesterday was a day of perils and measurable success for 2,000 volunteers from 174 fire companies across Long Island.
However, academic analyses of financial education have found no evidence of measurable success at improving participants' financial well-being.
Aside from the great measurable success that this project was, it also demonstrated the power of "collective might".
There has been measurable success, ranging from impressive to negligible, in curbing these pollutants.