They then measured differences among groups by asking children questions regarding peers social status and behavioral characteristics.
The study measured test scores among 1,400 poor students given vouchers worth $1,700 a year to attend private school.
Besides that, you can also measure the superficial temperature, among other properties.
It also studies its own programs, measuring their success through student test scores, among other criteria.
This 2011 study measured a total 753 impacts among these seven players with a median impact of 15g.
The survey does not measure robbery offences among victims under 16 years.
Scientists also plan to measure immune responses among volunteers receiving the shots.
The report also makes many sensible recommendations around starting small with pilot projects and measuring results, among a fairly long list.
But, he said, it is difficult to measure performance differences among products.
The most important index in the survey, which measures economic sentiment among large manufacturers, sank to 14 from 22 three months ago.