The measures announced today in Brasília fall far short of the rolling blackouts of four to six hours a day that the press has been predicting.
Still, the general verdict was that the measures announced today were grossly inadequate to restructure the banking system.
He said the measures announced today qualified as a "radical" program of change.
The measures Mr Lamont has announced perform the difficult task of attempting to meet both points of view.
The measure announced today continues to favor the Federal Reserve as a top regulatory agency.
The measures announced tonight by Nicaragua, including a willingness to enter into indirect negotiations with rebel leaders, had been the most eagerly awaited.
Economists say the measures announced today would do little to change that until confidence returns in the financial system.
Though the measures announced today included modest tax relief for property owners and corporations, it failed to provide any for consumers.
He supported the measures recently announced to protect those who would be affected by the transition, which included unemployment benefit and retraining opportunities.
But the measures announced thus far represent only a down payment on what will eventually be required.