Over that time they measured various aspects of tree growth to see the effect the elevated CO2.
(Someone else, or you yourself in a subsequent study, may then measure other aspects of complexity.)
This is assessed by measuring various aspects of the atmosphere, air, water, land and organisms.
Progressives turned to educational researchers to evaluate the reform agenda by measuring numerous aspects of education, later leading to standardized testing.
IQ tests are only one imperfect method of measuring certain aspects of intellectual ability.
There were also efforts to measure other aspects of the performance of the commercials.
One strength of Slalom is that it measures several aspects of computer performance, including the time taken to set up a problem.
Many other stock market indexes exist, of course, and they measure different aspects of the market.
The points-based ratings system measures various environmental aspects including water efficiency, energy conservation, indoor air quality, and sustainability.
Without measuring key aspects of your recycling services, you cannot effectively manage or continuously improve them.