Small in scale, it measures 10.70 by 11.80 meters and is constructed of layered limestone.
One important structure is a Mesoamerican ball court which measures forty by twenty meters.
The floor, which measures 4 by 2.5 meters, comes from around 1170 and was discovered in 1959.
The Church today measures 28 by 19 meters and stands at 11.5 meters high.
The floorplan is usually rectangular, measuring 8-10 by 8-12 meters.
This structure measures some 40 by 32 meters, it is east of Structure 1 and somewhat lower.
An extension was built on the back facade, measuring 6 by 18 meters.
The smaller female measured approximately 100 by 20 meters.
These places can measure four by four meters on city streets.
It is done in oil on canvas measuring 3.65 by 7.30 meters (12 X 24 feet).