When calculated for an individual subject this measure corresponds to the point on a confidence rating scale where the subject is indifferent between targets and distractors.
Though there is a change in meter at measure 114, the tempo and compound division of the beat do not change: four measures of the 3/4 Allegro moderato correspond to one measure of the previous section.
While socioeconomic measures of status do not correspond to greater happiness, measures of sociometric status (status compared to people encountered face-to-face on a daily basis) do correlate to increased subjective well-being, above and beyond the effects of extroversion and other factors.
The Chinese measure of distance (li) used in the Book of Liang probably corresponds to 77 metres, as is the usage for the Book of the Three Kingdoms and other writings of the period.
I asked Commissioner Fischler to what extent this measure corresponded with the subsidiarity principle.
I am convinced that these measures correspond to the horizontal amendments which the European Parliament approved at first reading, so that we can look forward to the budget approval with confidence.
The measures linked to the so-called "coralito", the peso/dollar parity introduced by law, and the resulting lack of any room for manoeuvre on monetary policy, among other examples, do not correspond to the IMF recommendations.
It is encouraging to see that the political response and measures outlined in the report more or less correspond to the Commission's proposals.
In her view, "this measure corresponds with the interest of France, the respect of its authority and the most elementary justice".
The measure of 42 US or wine gallons, corresponds to a wine tierce (third-pipe).