The measure would exempt political ads on the Internet from a reform law barring corporate and union donors from buying up grateful candidates with six- and seven-figure contributions.
The measure, however, exempted many of the largest components of the bill, including $3 billion in aid to Israel, and yielded reductions totaling about $140 million.
The measure exempts offenders who already have established residence in such zones, but bars newly released convicts who want to return home or move in with relatives.
This measure appeared as Measure 56, and would exempt elections held in May and November of any year from the double majority requirement.
One measure would exempt military bases from restrictions in the Endangered Species Act if they develop natural resources plans in consultation with state and federal environmental officials.
The measures, subject to Congressional approval, would exempt from duties textiles and apparel assembled in Central America from fabric woven in the United States.
One measure already pending in the House would exempt libraries and bookstores from having to turn over records under Section 215 of the legislation.
In Utah, a measure would exempt food from the state sales tax.
That measure exempted the insurance industry from Federal regulation and antitrust laws, except in cases of boycotts or restraint of trade.
The measure would exempt "faltering" companies trying to avoid shutting their operations.