The new measure extends the amnesty to include murder, assault, robbery and other major crimes if the motive was political.
The system can run as is until at least 2037; modest additional measures could easily extend its life to 2050 and beyond.
The measure, which passed overwhelmingly in the House and Senate, extends worker benefits for up to 26 weeks.
This measure extends the time before the next hearing to between 3 and 15 years, as determined by the board.
The measure extends the deadline for this hearing to 15 days.
How much they would miss him would become evident at first light, and its measure extended far beyond any emotional loss.
The measures extended his term as president for five years and gave him the power to dissolve the elected Parliament.
The measure would, among other things, extend the payroll tax cut for another year.
The Administration estimates the measure could extend pension coverage to 10 million workers.
The measure would have extended the assessment approved in 1994.