Various measures indicate that the new sequence that's being released is over 99 percent Neanderthal.
In effect, this measure indicates the percentage or number of people in the bottom income quartile.
His new measures indicate a greater willingness to use the courts, and the threat of jail time, to rein in chief executives.
Collectively, Starr says, such measures indicated a concern "with building not just a continental nation but a republican one."
So far, that measure has not indicated an epidemic.
This measure indicates students gaining (on average) the equivalent of an extra A* each compared with similar students in 2004.
Two other measures indicated the auction went well.
This measure indicates its revenue- earning capacity and its financial strength.
These measures indicate that we have a bureaucracy without the tools or know-how to deal with a needy population.
This measure indicates the relative ease and efficiency with which products can be moved into and inside a country.