Nominal price measures of value are suited for measuring profitability and its components as well as the value of reserves.
And supermarkets have been gaining power over the food companies via scanners and ways they can measure profitability per square foot.
And the only reliable way to measure profitability is through a price mechanism that is allowed to respond to market forces.
"Measuring profitability by return on assets," he said, "it stands at 4.2 percent in an industry where 1 percent is considered good."
But there are several ways to measure profitability and some show American business to be in not such bad shape.
A distinction must be made between pre-tax and post-tax profits as well as between the two main methods of measuring profitability.
Each month, he screens this universe using 15 criteria that measure profitability, earnings and revenue growth and valuation.
You make the same mistake in measuring profitability.
Mr. Peterson said cookies not only helped sites measure overall profitability, but were critical in measuring the effectiveness of individual advertising campaigns.
Most growing businesses ultimately target increased profits, so it's important to know how to measure profitability.