But the new measure says that all such assets can be written off over 15 years.
The measure will say that such companies can receive domestic security contracts only if they are essential to national security.
But even some of the City Council members who support the measure said yesterday that they remained uncertain whether it would pass.
The measure says the actual oil will be immune from seizure by those with financial claims against Iraq.
But addressing problems like those at Enron will take more than these measures, those interviewed said.
"No personal attacks will be allowed," the measure says.
The available measures say that consumer confidence, which was already declining before Katrina hit, has now fallen off a cliff.
The measure says the plan should be approved by the county before the reactor is reopened.
The common measure should after all lead, as I have said, to the speedy and unbureaucratic treatment of refugees.
Disciplinary measures increased by nearly 80 percent, from 123 in 1996 to 207 last year, including 49 disbarments, the report said.