But similar issues that divide the caucus are also looming, like the patients' bill of rights, another measure sponsored by Mr. McCain.
A similar measure, sponsored by Senator Burns, will be given a separate hearing next week before the Senate Commerce Committee.
The measure, proposed and sponsored by then Gov. Frank Keating, was passed by the voters.
The measure, sponsored by a "rural caucus" of legislators, would weaken many restrictions on Amazon land use and eliminate other safeguards altogether.
Under a 1992 measure sponsored by Senator James Exon, an Administration task force will complete a report on this subject by month's end.
Voters are being asked to choose among five reform proposals, including a measure sponsored by the insurance industry to introduce the state's first no-fault law.
Republican leaders and some blacks embrace the alternative measure sponsored by Representative Bob Ney of Ohio.
The new measure, sponsored by Dr. Frist, is a high priority for the majority leader, a medical doctor who takes a particular interest in health issues.
One measure, sponsored by Assembly Speaker Saul Weprin, was approved last night.
One measure sponsored by more than 20 Republican senators would help more people with tax credits and deductions than the Bush proposal would.