"measures" in Polish — inglés-Polish dictionary | Mirar "measures" in inglés

measures ***

  1. środki, działania
    methods, standards
    We need to take certain measures to stop the protest.
    The policemen had to take special measures to put down the strike.
the image to "measure" in Polish
  1. mierzyć, oceniać [TRANSITIVE]
    Will you be able to measure the results of these changes?
    I do not believe that we can measure who has suffered more in this conflict.
  2. wymierzyć (ocenić rozmiar, wagę, ilość, itd.) [TRANSITIVE]
    Measure the distance from the sofa to the window, please.
    I didn't measure the wardrobe and now it won't fit through the door.
    You should measure the room before buying furniture.
    I have to measure my windows because I want to buy new curtains.
  3. mierzyć (być określonej długości lub szerokości) [TRANSITIVE]
  1. sposób, środek, zabieg, krok (sposób na osiągnięcie czegoś) [COUNTABLE]
    I will use all measures necessary to accomplish this mission.
    All necessary measures should be taken to finally stop the violence.
  2. miara (określona objętość czegoś) [UNCOUNTABLE]
  3. jednostka miary [COUNTABLE]
    What's the measure of length?
  4. menzura [COUNTABLE]
  5. przyrząd mierniczy [COUNTABLE]
  1. takt (w muzyce) [COUNTABLE]
    I can't play the last 6 measures.
    The flute solo went on for forty measures. It was dreadful.
    Sing a few bars and I will recognise this song.
    This song has four beats in the bar.

Frases relacionadas — "measures"

phrasal verb