The meter then measures the color of the strip optically.
The work, measuring 4.5 by 2.9 meters, may be the largest surviving painting from Italian 13th century art.
According to tradition, it is the smallest church in Denmark measuring only 9.8 by 4.2 meters.
In the center of the palace housed the ice arena measuring 60 by 30 meters.
Measuring 30 by 20 meters, the temple was located at the entrance to the work zone.
It was the largest in Rome measuring 117 by 55 meters (385 x 182 ft).
The temple complex, measuring about 53 by 90 meters had a zikkurat on its western side.
Most standard meters accurately measure in both directions, making a second meter unnecessary.
Reflected-light meters measure the light reflected by the scene to be photographed.
There were two bunk beds on either side of a rectangular room measuring about three by four meters.