Leatherface used to work as the cow-killer at the meat factory.
And certainly not Rod, who likes to brag about his off-the-job exploits at the meat factory where he works.
Ram hides in one of the trucks and follows them to Morales's meat factory.
The abductions are traced to Montenegro's meat factory and it soon becomes apparent that everything is somehow connected.
The Nkrumah government established a meat factory in Zuarungu, which was a core economic benefit for the people.
At first I even thought of setting Car Man in a meat factory, with carcasses on hooks.
Their base is in the abandoned section of the meat factory.
Mr. Ferrer receives a small pension from the union he had joined to do business with meat factories.
During his youth, he worked at a meat factory.
What they got instead was slashing and hacking more fit for a meat factory.