Alpheus bellulus has a meat-based diet and feeds on crustacean and small fish.
In September 2012, during an appearance on Red Eye, Montgomery revealed she had been diagnosed with celiac disease, leading her to change to a more meat-based diet.
Epidemiological studies clearly demonstrate that a meat-based diet roughly doubles the cancer risk compared with an entirely plant-based diet.
They are carnivorous and eat most meat-based diets.
Consumers are beginning to listen, especially as nutritional studies undermine the rationale that humans require a meat-based diet to be healthy.
Simple Suggestion for Gore: A slow but steady introduction into his talks and articles, re: the role of the meat-based diet in climate change.
But the poor could not afford a meat-based diet.
To illustrate, producing meat generally requires more land and energy than what producing vegetables requires; sustaining a meat-based diet would require a less populated planet.
Copenhagen is different, but the rest of the country is meat-based diet.
What we really appreciated was the statement of fact that nutritional studies are now undermining the rationale that humans require a meat-based diet to be healthy.