The foxes' meagre back legs, their meatiest part, provided little nourishment.
Roast for 15 minutes, then insert a meat thermometer straight in from one end into the meatiest part.
The meatiest parts of a bird are the flight muscles on its chest, called breast meat, and the walking muscles on the first and second segments of its legs, called the thigh and drumstick, respectively.
Mrs. Dai startled Tommy by raising her left hand to her mouth and savagely biting the meatiest part of her palm, below her thumb, drawing blood.
But his meatiest parts have been in serious, low-budget pictures.
Beneath each leg, one bag of peas pressed against the meatiest part of her calf, another against the underside of her knee.
Despite having almost no lines, the deaf and dumb Helen Keller is one of the meatiest parts for a young actress to arrive on Broadway in a long while.
Test again in the meatiest part of the thigh, horizontal to the pan.
The vocal works, the meatiest part of the program, were, alas, only passably sung.
At its tip it had a fine network of thin lashes that caught the woman's large breast at its meatiest part.