Given a meatless diet it will rapidly become ill and will then die a painful death.
As advocates of a meatless diet, we ask: Why wait?
England, Germany, and France were most affected by the turn to a predominantly meatless diet during this time.
Essays and other works penned by these influential Romantics had long supported a meatless diet.
During the eighteenth century, with more varieties of vegetables available, practicing a meatless diet became much easier to maintain.
He began a meatless diet, taking only milk and vegetables, and regained his health.
Ruth changed the Hirams' meatless diet to include rare beef.
For generations, meatless diets have had a much higher profile in England than in this country, where few even knew what vegetarians were until the 1960's.
In his later years, he appears to advocate a mostly meatless diet but which included fish (see Pescetarianism), and took vitamin supplements.
Many "remedies" were devised, including eating a bland, meatless diet.