He stood by the door, a solid, dark-haired man with a meaty, dark face.
The image of Piers Morgan's fat meaty face deep in thought is frankly terrifying.
Turner's meaty face gleamed with sweat in the flashlight beam as he turned to Oliver.
Her meaty face glowed in the orange light, reflections off water, as if she'd just stepped out of a very hot shower.
The fourth guy was a tall heavyweight with a gelled blond brush-cut above a meaty red face.
Gelicia's meaty face took on a businesslike expression, which some would have called crafty-furtive.
I looked at Marino's damp, meaty face, at his eyes shifting here and there.
Marino was staring off at the bookcase, his meaty face flushed.
Milk had a meaty face, a tired face, noted the reporter, who wasn't feeling so chipper himself after a long day.
Then the expression on his meaty face turned positively murderous.