Many grilled fish recipes call for fairly dense and meaty fish like tuna and swordfish.
If you substitute shrimp, lobster or chunks of meaty white fish like halibut, you will probably need more liquid.
Although I stipulate cod, to be honest any meaty white fish will do.
It wanted a meaty fish not a bony foot.
These days some chefs serve meaty fish like cod or monkfish on a bed of lentils.
Serve as a side dish to roast fowl, pork or meaty fish like monk or halibut.
Mebaru, a meaty fish, is delicious either way.
These dark, meaty fish have such clean, subtle flavor that diners should mark their calendars for next year.
Supplies are plentiful because this meaty, flavorful fish has, in recent years, made a great comeback from overfishing and contamination.
The name derives from the English port of Dover, a major market for the thick, meaty fish.