Strong meaty tastes, and gentle taste of dainty herbs.
There is also a need for some acidity that will both emphasize and balance the meaty taste.
(At a later dinner, they were juicy with a great, meaty taste).
My least favorite is the overly rich caponata, roasted eggplant with an intensely meaty taste.
The sweet meaty taste, thin and elusive almost as a memory, maddened him.
Each man was enjoying the hot soup, a bit thin, but with a definitely meaty taste.
This specialty rujak from East Java has a "meaty" taste.
As before, they found the rich meaty taste of the bouillon nauseating and had to content themselves with hot water.
Lean Canadian bacon offers protein and a meaty taste with very little fat.
This meaty red tastes of macerated berries, chocolate and oak.