The stores sell parts to customers who often need a mechanic to install them and the mechanics will send their clients to the stores.
Seeking relief from Rome's tropical temperatures, the 41-year-old mechanic installed central air-conditioning in his family's apartment on the edge of the city.
He used the rearview mirror the mechanics had installed on his aeroplane, but did not rely on it alone.
By this time, the mechanics had installed metal fairing at several points, thus smoothing the whole ship into sleek, unbroken lines from stem to stern.
You would have to do open-heart surgery on your hybrid, having a mechanic regularly install new batteries at a cost of several thousand dollars.
If your mechanic is ordering the part for you and installing it, ask about warranties for parts and labor.
For a small fee, mechanics would install a new key ignition on the spot.
On the day before Miss EMF's last flight, mechanics installed a new fuel tank and two new engines.
Undaunted, Ms. Charney had her mechanic install a shorter rear shock absorber and lower tires on the BMW.
Where else would people compete for the chance to have mechanics install aquariums, espresso machines, waterfalls and Ping-Pong tables in their vehicles?