This inhibits mechanical agitation while preventing water and chemicals from reaching soiled linen.
The mechanical agitation and the addition of caustic chemicals helps separate the ink particles from the fibers, turning the slurry into a gray mass resembling oatmeal.
In some cases it is also desirable to add a mild surfactant and some mild mechanical agitation to completely disassociate the cellular components.
However if the gas is to be analysed soon after blending, mechanical agitation is recommended.
Stirring or mechanical agitation using an ultrasonicator is useful.
Some continuous reactors use mechanical agitation for mixing (rather than the product transfer pump).
Tillage is the agricultural preparation of the soil by mechanical agitation of various types, such as digging, stirring, and overturning.
The power generated by triboelectric nanogenrators under mechanical agitation can be used in a number of applications where there exists the mechanical motion.
The flowing movement of finely powdered substances or low conductivity fluids in pipes or through mechanical agitation can build up static electricity.
The internal phase (solid) is dispersed throughout the external phase (fluid) through mechanical agitation, with the use of certain excipients or suspending agents.