I was responsible for some advances in this field, involving the use of mechanical calculation.
The vines are selected by a village elder and matched with each jumper's weight without any mechanical calculations.
This does not imply that the solution is an exact one; they are all approximate quantum mechanical calculations.
This was the first time that quantum mechanical calculations on a molecule had proved more accurate than the best experiments.
Very complex quantum mechanical calculations using supercomputers permitted the group to analyze the electronic bonds that link the atoms.
He uses no mechanical calculations to cut the correct length of vine - he bases his decision solely on years of trial and error.
For one thing, he said, that former theory was framed in terms of numerical mechanical calculations, and many physicists doubted that it applied to natural systems.
One must first distinguish between mechanical calculations and business error when looking at unilateral mistake.
However, all routine quantum mechanical calculations can be done using the physical formulation.
But that is a purely mechanical calculation.