Police officers open fire and destroy the mechanical dinosaur.
In addition to props, mechanical dinosaurs, some as large as 20 by 40 feet, and other items were donated.
It's an exhibition of mechanical dinosaurs that, employing state-of-the-art robotics technology and the latest paleontological research, shows how things used to be.
In his role, Spence narrates the activities of life-sized mechanical dinosaurs operated by teams of puppeteers and drivers.
In an era of life-size Muppets and mechanical dinosaurs, lowly hand puppets are often dismissed as preschool toys.
William Reynolds recalled the studio spent so much money on their mechanical dinosaur that they couldn't afford to shoot the film in colour as they first planned.
While some might wish the mechanical dinosaurs were even more animated, children seemed to be enthralled.
Trying advocate public funding to keep local news afloat is like trying to build mechanical dinosaurs to fill the dinosaur shaped hole in our history.
The mechanical dinosaurs are about half the size of actual dinosaurs, but when you're talking dinosaurs, even half size can be impressive.
One of the final straws came when Mr. Nishi spent $1 million to have a huge mechanical dinosaur constructed in Tokyo as an advertising gimmick.