If the review shows a mechanical error, the bank must credit the customer's account within one day.
The missile, which carries a 2,000-pound bomb, could have misfired because of human or mechanical error.
Those include human or mechanical errors and even sabotage by contaminated jet fuel.
Preliminary findings by the ministry showed that mechanical and human errors were to blame for the crash.
I will be grading off for mechanical errors, so be careful.
The biggest problem was not a mechanical error, however, but an operator error.
Officials told Reuters that foul play and mechanical error were ruled out.
The sort of modern, fail-safe system that could override both human and mechanical error is clearly beyond the city's means.
The sense of credibility and professionalism could be quickly lost with a single mechanical error.
The program cannot fix mechanical errors, of course, but it can mend almost anything else on the hard disk surface.